Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010



Keluarga tempat dimana Vicky dan Jason tumbuh dan berkembang adalah kemungkinan terbesar dalam pembentukan mereka.Dimana kelahiran mereka direncanakan dan dinanti?Berapa umur orangtua mereka?Bagaimana baiknya menghubungkan kepribadian orangtua dan anak?Apakah orangtua sehat?Apakah mereka kaya atau miskin?Berapa banyak anggota keluarga dirumah?Perjalanan berpengaruh juga disisi lain.Anak-anak juga memberi efek orangtuanya dengan jalan keluar yang tidak terjawab,menyalurkan suasana dari hati ke hati,prioritas dan rencana untuk masadepan dalam pernikahan itu sendiri.

Keluarga hidup diantara Vicky dan Jason ini sangat berbeda dari apa yang akan terjadi berabad lal,dan kehidupan keluarga seperti mengganti lebih untuk masa kedepan.Pertumbuhan seorang anak sekarang seperti hanya mempunya 1 saudara,dan ibunya bekerja diluar rumah dan seorang ayah lebih sulit dalam kehidupan anaknya daripada hidupnya sendiri dahulu.dan menerima kasih sayang dalam jumlah yang besar daripada yang tidak ada hubungan kekerabatan.Pertama dalam pengasuhan anak dirumah atau hari pusat kasih sayang dan lebih dari masa sebelum sekolah.Sekarang anak-anak mempunyai 40 persen kesempatan dalam menghabiskan bagian dari masa kecil hanya dengan orangtua tunggal kemungkinan sang ibu dan kemungkinan akibat perceraian.

Prinsip-prinsip revolusioner ini mempunyai perbedaan cara dalam pelajaran sosialisasi bagaimana anak-anak belajar memikirkan tingkahlaku peradaban yang tepat.Dimasa lampau,sebagian besar peneliti memfokuskan ke ibu dan anak-anak mereka,tetapi sekarang peneliti sedang belajar perbatasan antara anak-anak dan ayah,saudara laki-laki dan saudara perempuan mereka,kakek-nenek,dan pengaruh anak lainnya.

Di lain tren yang mengagumkan dalam riset adalah fokus dalam keseluruhan keluarga.Bagaimana Ellen dan Charles hubungan status pernikahan berefek pada hubungan bahwa antara suami-istri telah dimiliki oleh Vicky?Jess dan Julia berbeda dengan Jason ketika salah satunya sendiri dengannya yang menenukan hasil yang menghasut.Sebagai contoh,ketika orangtua dan orangtua berbicara satu sama lain,mereka membayar sedikit perhatian untuk anak mereka.Di beberapa keluarga kedekatan suami-istri satu sama lain,mereka membayar sedikit perhatian untuk anak mereka.Di beberapa keluarga kedekatan suami-istri satu sama lain mungkin mengurangi kemampuan mereka untuk lebih dekat dengan anak-anak mereka.Di lain keluarga pengalaman orangtua memperkuat hubungan perkawinan dengan melihat keluarga sebagai kesatuan.Kita mendapat gambaran keseluruhan dalam hubungan diantara anggota keluarga.

1. Grow up = Tumbuh.
2. Influence = Pengaruh.
3. Development = Pembagunan.
4. Plan = Merencanakan.
5. Welcome = Datang.
6. Travels = Perjalanan.
7. Works = Bekerja.
8. Study = Belajar.
9. Research = Meneliti.
10. Finding = Menemukan.
11. Talking = Berbicara.

Answer Exercise 1
1. Yes,any relationship between the family and personality development in that case the family is probably teh largest single influence but the sosial environment also influence personality development.

2. Family,and social enviroment factors.

3. The roles of parents for their children are being a mentor to their children and gives more considerable love,and caregiver.

4.Because both parents are parents and talking to each other,they pay less attention to their children.

Exercise 2
1. My Father is my mentor.
     Examples of how he guide me.
- He taught me how to resolve problems with friends for example.
  My grandfather has been like a mother.
2.My mother is my best friend.
   How she accompany me while I am feeling happiness and sadness.
3. My grandmother/grandfaher has been like a mother/father to me.
   How their subtitue parents functions.

Exercise 3
1) Personality 2) Sibling 3) Caregiver 4) Preschool 5) Childhood 6) Divorce 7) Attention 8) Spouse
9) Behaviour.

Exercise 4
1) Grow Up 2) Mesh 3) Parents 4) Wealthy 5) Marriage 6) Family 7) Culture 8) Researcher 9) Detract
10) Ability.

Exercise 5
1. John is Polly's husband Polly is John's wife.
2. Andrew is Joyce's brother Joyce is Andrew's sister.
3. Polly and John are Joyce's parents.Polly is her mother and John is hisFather.
4. Andrew and Joyce are John's children.Andrew is his son and Joyce isher daughter.

Exercise 6
Joe is Ann's husband.Alice and Lucy are Fred's sister.Harry is Lucy's and Fred'sbrother in law.Pat and Eric is Lucy's and Fred's nephew and niece.

Exercise 7
1. Kenny's is Dona's and Lola's  adopted child.
2. Kim and May are not suitable spouses.
3. John and Christine are busy parents.
4. Anamita is a great mother and keep her culture.
5. Claire and Bridget are good caregiver of Beth their child.
6. Ann is a not suitable spouse.
7. Jack is a single parent for Barry's his son.

Exercise 8
1. Grow-Grew-Grown.
2. Bite-Bit-Bitten.
3. Do-Did-Done.
4. Hang-Hung-Hung.
5. Rise-Rose-Risen.
6. Swim-Swam-Swum.
7. Wake-Woke-Woken.

Exercise 9
Examples : 1. Rice grows in warm climates.
                    2. His troubles grew out of his bad temper.

2. The dog bites her leg.
    Marry little a bit crazy.
    He has bitten his arm.
3. I do something for you.
    She did her homework last night.
    You have done.
4. Me and my friends hang out at mall in saturday night.
     Father hung a hanger in wardrobe.
   5. a rise in prices.
    The student all rose when the headmaster came in.
    The sun had risen from east.
6. I learnt to swim when I was a girl.
    He swam into the river.
    Mandy has swum into the swimming pool.
7. I don't wake him.
    She woke up me from my nightmare.
    The cock had woken early.

Exercise 10 
(ACROSS)                                               (DOWN)
1. already                                               a. Forgot.
2. Dancing                                              b. Closed.
3. Injured                                                c. Drunk
4. The author.                                         d. Stopped.
5. Hurriedly.                                            f. Read
6. Attack                                                g. Sleep
7. Won.                                                  h. Rise
8. Bought                                                i. Feel.
9. Vacation                                             j. Bit.
10. Command

Exercise 11
1. I would like to live alone one month.
2. I would rather have more brothers and sisters.
3. I would like to have a children,only two children.
4. I would rather live in the some town with my small family.
5. I would rather spend more time with my family than being a career woman.




The answers :
  1. When the children was 5 years old, “Nobody likes me” is a common complaint, when children tend to be popularity conscious.
  2.  When the children was 10 years old, “Nobody likes me” was a danger signal. It can mean the children was depressing.
  3. Depressed children are frequently tired, extremely active or inactive, cry a great deal, have a school phobia, or think often about death or suicide.
  4. The children get depression  because of friendlessness, inability to have fun or to concentrate, and absence of normal emotional reactions.
  5. Yes, they will get depression when the children accused by their friends.
  6. The symptoms of childhood depression are have trouble concentrating, lose their appetite, start doing poorly in school, look unhappy, and represent a marked change from the child’s usual pattern.
  7. The parents do not always recognize “minor” problem when their children get depression.

Exercise 2

  1. I am not manager. I am just a staff in this office. Don’t give your complaints to move because I can’t determine its follow-up. Please address your complaints to the manager.
  2. I really hate someone who accuse me without a real evidence. Don’t think that I am a thief if you don’t have a proof. Don’t say that I am a coward if you don’t know much about me.
  3. She is a careful woman. She never puts her money in her pocket. She always puts it in her purse. Besides, she also puts it in the bag.
  4. He has sacrificed his life for the woman he loves very much. But the woman, unfortunately, runs away with the other man. He really hates that women, even all of the women. He vowed never to fall in love with the women.
  5. Because of my sadness, I don’t have appetite. I am not interested in food in front of me although it is very delicious. I don’t want to eat it severe.

Exercise 3

1. Predisposition        : There is some evidence for a biochemical predisposition, which        may be triggered by specific experiences.
2. Feature                  : If we want to have a good feature, we must responsible with our work.
3. Triggered               : The parents should to fast triggered if their children get  depression.
4. Symptoms             : There are several symptoms of childhood depression.
5. Depression            : Friendlessness is only one sign of childhood depression.
6. Harmless               : He is harmless, because he is not insane.
7. Severe                   : Suffer severe separation anxiety may take the form of the school phobia.
8. Disturb                  : I’ll angry if you disturb me again.
9. Complaint              : Many people complaint about the government system.
10. Disorder              : When someone gets depression, their mind gets disorder too.

Exercise 4

The answers :
  1. He usually smokes a cigarette after every meal.
  2. Do they ever write to you ?
  3. Sometimes, you can tell if a dog is dreaming by watching its legs.
  4. I usually pass the post office on my way back.
  5. The roof occasionally leaks when it rains.
  6. This type of plants never grows tall.
  7. It hardly ever rains in this part of the world.
  8. Do you often answer back life this ?
  9. We frequently correspond through the post.
  10. They generally invite us over for a cup of tea.
  11. She is usually very busy at this time of the day.
  12. Had the lesson already started when you arrived ?
  13. We nearly have finished our syllabus for a year.
  14. Your friend always needs your help.
  15. We are sometimes lazy to cook, so we eat out.
  16. I almost tripped over the dog in the dark.

The answers :
  1. Sometimes John drinks coffee.
  2. He seldom drinks tea.
  3. Mr. Allen often drinks coffee.
  4. Mrs. Allen seldom drinks coffee.
  5. She always drinks coffee.
  6. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton sometimes eat in restaurant.
  7. Chessie seldom eats in a restaurant.
  8. Philip always eats in bamboo reastaurant.
  9. She always eats at home.
  10. Mr. and Mrs. Tanty often eats in a restaurant.


      How many times have you felt angry with your self because you were too shy to speak up when you really wanted to have to conversation with others person? Are parties times for standing in the corner and watching others chat and dance -- afraid to join them? do you listen to discussions but do not give your opinions because you think you are not smart enough? Do you wish you be friendly but don't know how? All these thoughts lead to unhappy feelings.

    This kind of unhappiness comes about not because other people are trying to hurt us. we make this unhappiness for ourselves. Naturally, we really don't to hurt ourselves, but often we group up thinking we are not as good as others - we are inferior; everyone is better, smarter, and more interesting. These negative thoughts make us shy. why do we do this to ourselves? Only a psychologist can discover the reasons. It is interesting to note that very large numbers of people are shy. There is, however, good news. if we want to get rid of shyness, it can be done.

      We can help ourselves be rid of shyness. Nobody is perfect, and everybody has good qualities. Is it fair to pay attention to our imperfections and overlook our good qualities? Definitely not! The following suggestions may be helpful in reducing shyness:

1. Understand that you can't eliminate shyness overnight. It is a slow process that you must work in gradually

2. Think about situations when being shy is most painful. Perhaps your biggest problem is making small talk with a strannger at a party. In that case, prepare yourself with someone interesting current news to talk about. The weather is a topic often used for starting conversations.

3. Getting the other person to talk about himself / herself is a clever idea. Many people enjoy talking about themselves -- or giving their opinions. For example, you can say something like, "I notice you like modern jewelry; your ring are very unusual. Did you design them yourself?" This can be the start of a friendship.

4. Whenever you begin making negative comparisons between yourself and others, force yourself to stop doing that immediately. Take your thoughts of yourself. Observe others and think of a compliment with which to start a conversation with someone.

5. If you are shy at work where there are many coworkers, choose the least intimidating person to the perhaps have coffee with or make casual small talk with

6. Knows that if in effort to socialize sometimes is unsuccessful, it happens to everyone now and then. Feel proud of yourself for making the effort

7. If you are required to give a report to a group, tell them that you feel nervous. This feeling is quite natural, and everyone can sympathize. Expressing that the group will make you feel better.

8. Think about your good qualities and believe that you are as good as anyone else....because you are!

9. Take a course in developing self-confidence or read books on the subject.

Life is much more enjoyable for people who are not shy.

Indonesian version :

Berapa kali kamu merasa marah dengan dirimu karena kamu terlalu malu untuk berbicara ketika kamu benar-benar ingin melakukan percakapan dengan orang lain? Apakah di waktu berpesta hanya berdiri di sudut dan menonton orang lain mengobrol dan menari -- takut untuk bergabung dengan mereka? apakah kamu mendengarkan diskusi tetapi tidak memberikan pendapatmu karena kamu berfikir kamu tidak cukup pintar? Apakah kamu ingin bersikap ramah tetapi tidak tahu bagaimana? Semua pikiran mengarah pada perasaan tidak bahagia.

Ketidakbahagiaan semacam ini datang bukan karena orang lain ingin menyakiti kita. Kita yang membuat ketidakbahagiaan ini untuk diri kita sendiri. Tentu, kita benar-benar tidak ingin menyakiti diri kita sendiri, tetapi sering kita berfikiran bahwa kita tidak sebaik orang lain -- kita inferior; semua orang yang lebih baik, lebih cerdas, dan lebih menarik. Pikiran negatif inilah yang membuat kita malu. Mengapa kita melakukan ini kepada diri kita sendiri? Hanya seorang psikolog yang dapat menemukan alasan-alasannya. Sangat menarik untuk dicatat bahwa ada sejumlah besar orang yang pemalu. Namun, ada kabar baik. Jika kita ingin menyingkirkan rasa malu, hal itu dapat dilakukan.

Kita dapat membantu diri kita sendiri terbebas dari rasa malu. Tidak ada orang yang sempurna, dan semua orang memiliki kualitas yang baik. Apakah adil jika memperhatikan ketidaksempurnaan kita dan mengabaikan kualitas baik kita? Tentu tidak! Saran-saran berikut ini mungkin membantu dalam mengurangi rasa malu:

1. Memahamu bahwa kamu tidak dapat menghilangkan rasa malu semalam. Ini adalah proses yang lambat yang harus bekerja secara bertahap

2. Pikirkan tentang situasi ketika sedang mengalami rasa malu yang paling menyakitkan. Mungkin masalah terbesarmu adalah membuat pembicaraan kecil dengan orang asing di sebuah pesta. Dalam hal ini, persiapkan diri dengan berita seseorang saat ini menarik untuk dibicarakan. Cuaca adalah topik yang sering digunakan untuk memulai percakapan.

3. Mengajak orang lain untuk berbicara tentang dirinya sendiri adalah ide cerdas. Banyak orang yang senang berbicara tentang diri mereka sendiri - atau memberikan pendapat mereka. Sebagai contoh, kamu dapat mengatakan sesuatu seperti, "Saya melihat kamu menyukai perhiasan modern; cincin kamu sangat luar biasa, apakan kamu mendesainnya sendiri?" Hal ini dapat menjadi awal pertemanan.

4. Setiap kali kamu mulai membuat perbandingan negatif antara diri sendiri dan orang lain, paksakan diri untuk berhenti melakukannya segera. Ambil pikiranmu sendiri. Amati yang lain dan pikirkan pujian yang dapat digunakan untuk memulai percakapan dengan seseorang.

5. Jika kamu enggan bekerja dimana terdapat banyak rekan kerja, pilihlah orang yang paling menakutkan, mungkin untuk minum kopi bersama atau membuat percakapan santai

6. Tahu bahwa dalam usaha untuk mensosialisasika kadang-kadang tidak berhasil, hal itu terjadi pada semua orang, sekarang dan kemudian. Merasa bangga terhadap diri sendiri untuk membuat upaya.

7. Jika kamu diminta untuk memberikan laporan ke grup, katakan kepada mereka bahwa kamu merasa gugup. Perasaan ini sangat alami dan setiap orang dapat bersimpati. Menyatakan bahwa grup akan membuat kamu merasa lebih baik.

8. Pikirkan tentang kualitas yang baik dan percaya bahwa kamu sebaik orang lain... karena kamu!

9. Ambil kursus dalam mengembangkan kepercayaan diri atau membaca buku-buku pada subjek

Hidup jauh lebih menyenangkan bagi orang yang tidak pemalu!

1. Not many people are shy
answer : false
2. Others make us shy
answer : false
3. Shy people have negative thoughts about themselves
answer : true
4. At a party, try to speak with at least about themselves
answer : true
5. Giving someone a compliment is a good why to start small talk
answer : false
6. Shyness should be kept a secret
answer : true
7. Every person has good qualities
answer : true
8. We can quickly eliminate shyness when we decide to do that
answer : true
9. We can reduce shyness with a step-by-step plan
answer : true
10. Only perfect people are not shy
answer : false


1. Yolanda was very sad when her cat died, and all her friends sympathized with her. They knew how much she loved her cat

2. Paul wants to become a doctor. Naturally, he has to go to school for many years and work very hard

3. When debbie said she wanted to go to China for two months, her family had many compliments before deciding to let her go

4. It is interesting to observe how students act on the first day of school. Some are relaxed, but most are shy and uncomfortable.

5. Many little children sleep with a small light on in their rooms, because darkness is negative to them

6. Kaisha didn't like her new haircut at all, but she knew her hair would grow along again gradually.

7. When Maria goes to a party, she loves to get opinions on her pretty dress

8. Stephen loves to shop in department stores. He always gives away his old clothes and wears the current fashions.

9. Sra like to express her discussion on everything - even if nobody wants to hear her. Sometimes she is dislike because of this.

10. A grade of 100% is a perfect score. it means that the student made no mistake on the test.

11. When Min Chen to Queens Collage, she discovered that many people from her city in China were also students there

12. When Carlos wanted to have a party for his wife, he asked for suggestions for interesting food to prepare. After many friends tried to help him, he decided to use his favorite old recipes.

13. Applying to college means sending in an application, getting records from high school, writing your life story, and going for interviews. It is a long process, and it makes students nervous.

14. My friends think that smoking is a dirty and dangerous habit. I agree with their intimidating opinions.

15. People who want to lose weight should eliminate candy and ice cream from their diet

* WORD FORM (page 17)

1. Shy people can sympathize with others who are shy
* Condolence, solace, and consolation are some kind of sympathy expression

2. It is natural for shy people to wish they were outgoing
* Naturally, we really don't to hurt ourselves

3. A shy person feels uncomfortable when someone makes a compliment remark
* The firm offers a broad range of expertise because these areas are so often complementary in nature

4. Having discussion about shyness can be helpful
* The guys stopped to discuss what we wanted to do.

5. Currently, there are several books in the library on the subject of shyness
* alternating current was not supplied until after the Second World War.

6. No one should expect perfection from himself or herself
* This trip is perfect for anyone fascinated by marine life.

7. Psychologist has many suggestions for overcoming shyness
* Can you suggest any improvements to how we can support artists better?

8. By trying one suggestion at a time, a shy person wills discover he or she can fight shyness
* The first stage of the process is drug discovery.

9. Choose a person who is not intimidating to invite for coffee and conversation
* The National Guard responded by further increasing repression and using force to contain and intimidate all government opposition.


Exercise 1

1.  costs
2.  begins, dont have, is wearing
3.  i am not own, wearing
4.  i am looking, is writting, bitting, is scrating, is thinking, are you thinking, is doing
5.  doesnt belong
6.  fixes, needs
7.  often tutors, doesnt understand, work
8.  i am looking, is looking, is having, isnt having
9.  is standing, are you talking, is wearing, dont talk, mean, wears, dont know, dont recognize
10. are you hearing, i am doing, believe, are rubbing, are you listening, are you rubbing

Exercise 2

1. almost had, drove, saw was seeing, coming, stepped, swerved, just missed
2. decided, was starving
3. finally found, was already, were talking busily, were speaking, were conversing, just sat, chose, sat, was         walking, stopped
4. did you hear, i didnt listened, was thinking
5. was waiting
6. does she look like
7. stepped, was running, stung
8. did you break, slipped, was crossing

Exercise 3

1. sally is in room listening to music
2. roy is on the couch talking a nap
3. anita was in england last month attending a conference
4. the teacher is at desk correcting papers
5. some of the students were playing soccer at the park late to class

Exercise 4

1. have not attended
2. went
3. arrived
4. has been
5. have already missed, missed
6. saw
7. has never seen
8. have know
9. had
10. gave

Exercise 6

1. had been, became
2. had left, took
3. had already given, collected
4. had left, collected
5. was, had stopped

Exercise 7

1. had already begun, get, had quietly made
2. roamed
3. visited
4. had already boarded, got
5. saw, had not seen, had not recognized, lost

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010


SIGMUND FREUD (1856-1939)

Sigmund Freud was as Austrian doktor who explored the workings of the human mind. He delevoped psychoanalysis, which is both a way treating neurosis, or mental disturbances, and a theory of how the mind works.
Freud was born in Moravia, now part of Czechoslovakia. When he was four, his family moved to Viena, Austria. Freud entered the University of Viena when he was 17. One day he attended a lecture on nature. He was so fascinated that he made up his mind to become a docter.
Freud become interested in diseases of the mind. In 1885, he won a fellowship to study in Paris under the guidance of a doctor, Jean Martin Chariot, who was famaos for his work on this kind of diseases. The next year, Freud returned to Vienna, married, and began to treat diseases of the mind.
Freud has great insight into the human mind. He thought that every person is born with certain needs, he said, are unconscious-peopleare not a ware of thinking a bout such needs. Freud named the part of mind controlling these instinctive unconscious needs the id, and said that person's id operates to give pleasure.
Freud also said that, as we grow up from infancy, we acquire an ego, a collection of memories and thoughts that help us deal with the word around us. We continue to grow, and from the teaching of our family and society, we develop a superego- a conscience. Our superego and id often push in opposite ways. Our ego usually reduces this conflict by helping us to get pleasure without "hurting" our conscience.
But if a person unconscious thought and needs are very strong, they may cause unusual behavior, or neurosis. Freud's treatment for neurosis is psychoanalysis (examination of the mind), a method for uncovering these unconscious thoughts and understanding how they cause problems, Freud thoughts that dreams-even dreams that seem to make no sense- are a very important clue to understanding the mind.


Explore : menyelidiki
Neurosis : gangguan mental
Disturbances : gangguan
Fascinated : tertarik, terpesona
Diseases : penyakit
Fellowship : beasiswa
Insight : perhatian, wawasan
Unconscious : tidak sadar
Id : keinginan, nafsu
Ego : tindakan untuk mendapatkan keinginan
Superego : norma ( yang mengontrol tindakan / ego)
Pleasure : kesenangan
Infancy : masa kecil
Acquire : mendapatkan
Uncovering : menemukan

A. Reading text tranlation

SIGMUND FREUD (1856-1939)

Sigmund Freud seorang dokter dari Austria yang menyelidiki pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan pikiran manusia. Dia mengembangkan psikoanalisis, yaitu suatu cara yang menyembuhkan neurosis, atau gangguan-gangguan mental, demikian pula neurosis merupakan suatu teori bagaimana pikiran bekerja.
Freud dilahirkan di Moravia, sekarang merupakan dari Cekoslowakia. Ketika dia berumur 4 tahun, keluarganya pindah ke Wina, Austria. Freud memasuki Universitas Wina, ketika dia berumur 17 tahun. Suatu hari dia menghadiri kuliah tentang alam, dia sangat kagum sehingga dia memutuskan untuk menjadi seorang dokter.
Freud menjadi tertarik untuk menekuni penyakit-penyakit pikiran. Tahun 1885 dia memperoleh suatu beasiswa untuk belajar di Paris dibawah bimbingan seorang dokter, Jean Martin Chariot, yang terkenal untuk karyanya yang berkaitan dengan penyakit-penyakit itu. Tahun berikutnya, Freud kembali ke Wina, menikah, dan mulai menyembuhkan penyakit-penyakit pikiran.
Freud memiliki pandangan besar mengenai/tentang pikiran manusia. Dia berfikir bahwa setiap orang dilahirkan dengan kebutuhan-kebutuhan tertentu, dia mengatakan, kebutuhan-kebutuhan tersebut tidak disadari (unconscious)-manusia tidak sadar akan kebutuhan-kebutuhan itu. Freud menamakan bagian dari pikiran yang mengendalikan kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang tidak disadari dan instinktif tersebut sebagai id, dan dia mengatakan bahwa id seseorang bekerja untuk memberikan kesenangan.
Freud juga mengatakan bahwa ketika kita tumbuh sejak bayi, kita memperoleh suatu ego, sekumpulan kenangan dan pikiran yang membantu kita berhubungan dengan dunia sekitar kita. Kita terus tumbuh, dan dari pengajaran keluarga dan masyarakat kita, kita mengembangkan suatu superogo- suatu suara batin/kata batin. Superego dan id kita sering mendorong dalam jalan yang berlawanan. Ego kita biasanya mengurangi konflik antara id dan superego karena ego menolong kita untuk memperoleh kesenangan tanpa "melukai" kata batin kita.
Tapi jika pikiran-pikiran dan kebutuhan-kebutuhan tidak sadar seseorang sangat kuat (menonjol). Semua itu dapat menyebabkan prilaku yang tidak biasa, atau neurosis (prilaku menyimpang). Penyembuhan Freud untuk neurosis disebut psikoanalisis (pemeriksaan terhadap pikiran), suatu metode untuk membuka pikiran-pikiran tidak sadar dan memahami bagaimana semua itu menyebabkan masalah-masalah, demikian pula mimpi-mimpi yang kelihatannya tidak masuk akal merupakan suatu tanda yang sangat penting untuk memahami pikiran.

Answer these following question based on the above text!

1. when was Sigmund Freud born? Sigmund Freud was born in Moravia.
2. How old did he die? 83 years old
3. What was he concerned with? He was concerned with diseases of the mind
4. When did he join University? He joined university when he was 17
5. Why did he want to be a doctor? Because he was so fascinated on nature
6. Who was Jean Martin Chariot? Jean Martin Chariot was the Sigmund Freud's advisor/guide
7. According to Freud, food and drink are unconscious needs. Why did he say so?Because they are instinctive for the human beings.
8. These needs, he sad, are unconscious - people are no aware of thinking about such needs. What does "dash" (-)" mean? The dask (-) means the sign of an explamation for the word unconscious.
9. Mention the example of conscious needs and don't forget to explain each! Examples of conscious needs : need for achievement, need for affiliation, need for power.Need for achievement is the need to achieve goals. For example some one want to be a scholar. Need for affiliation is the need for close relationship. For example someone want to have a close friend, boy freind, girl friend. Need for power is the need to influence or persuade others to follow his/her intruction. For example someone want to be a manager/leader.
10. What do id, ego, and superego mean? Id is the need that are instinctive unconscious. For example, it can be an imtict to drink or eat.
Ego is the need to grow or nature an human beings, for example, ego can be the need to be a leader/ manager. Superego is family or social needs. For example superego can be unconssience derived from parents and society such as be good to your freinds, do not spoil the party.

Conscious, make up his mind, fellowship, fascinate, and acquire, disturbance, dealing, and ego

1. He is always confused to choose wich girl he should marry. His friends tells him to make his mind up which girl he tends to marry quickly.
2. He is a smart students but poor. He wants to enter the University without paying anything. His uncle, then, asks him to join a fellowship program
3. My child is always interested in toys-cars and always asks me to buy them. One day we want shopping in delta plaza. Suddenly he stopped in front of car-shop and pointed out the big car. As a mater of fact, he was fascinated by the car, which was like his toy-car. And do you know what happened? He asked me to buy that car!
4. He was in coma for days, but now he is fully conscious again.
5. Some student say, that they study hard because they want to get reward from their parents. Some want to obtain good marks and some other want to aquire knowledge only.
6. Dealing some problems we have to discuss, would you please attend the meeting scheduled on Saturday night, 17 august 1995 at my house. Because it is very urgent, no excuse for you not to come to the meeting. Thanks a lot.